Quarkus - Kubernetes extension
This guide covers generating and deploying Kubernetes resources based on sane defaults and user supplied configuration. In detail, it supports generating resources for Kubernetes, OpenShift and Knative. Also it supports automatic deployment of these resources to the target platform.
To complete this guide, you need:
roughly 10 minutes
an IDE
JDK 1.8+ installed with
configured appropriately -
Apache Maven 3.6.2+
access to a Kubernetes or cluster (Minikube is a viable options)
Creating the Maven project
First, we need a new project that contains the Kubernetes extension and the Jib extension. This can be done using the following command:
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.3.1.Final:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=kubernetes-quickstart \
-DclassName="org.acme.rest.GreetingResource" \
-Dpath="/greeting" \
-Dextensions="kubernetes, jib"
cd kubernetes-quickstart
Quarkus offers the ability to automatically generate Kubernetes resources based on sane defaults and user supplied configuration. The implementation that takes care
of generating the actual Kubernetes resources is provided by dekorate. Currently it supports the generation of resources for
vanilla Kubernetes and OpenShift. Furthermore, Quarkus can deploy the application to a target Kubernetes cluster by applying the generated manifests to the target cluster’s API Server.
Finally, when either the quarkus-container-image-jib
or quarkus-container-image-docker
extensions are present (see the container image guide for more details),
Quarkus has the ability to create a container image and push it to a registry before deploying the application to the Kubernetes cluster.
When we executed the previous command, the following dependencies were added to the pom.xml
By adding these dependencies, we enable the generation of Kubernetes manifests each time we perform a build while also enabling the build of a container image.
For example, following the execution of ./mvnw package
you will notice amongst the other files that are created, two files named
and kubernetes.yml
in the target/kubernetes/
If you look at either file you will see that it contains both a Kubernetes Deployment
and a Service
The full source of the kubernetes.json
file looks something like this:
"apiVersion" : "apps/v1",
"kind" : "Deployment",
"metadata" : {
"annotations": {
"app.quarkus.io/vcs-url" : "<some url>",
"app.quarkus.io/commit-id" : "<some git SHA>",
"labels" : {
"app.kubernetes.io/name" : "test-quarkus-app",
"app.kubernetes.io/version" : "1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"name" : "test-quarkus-app"
"spec" : {
"replicas" : 1,
"selector" : {
"matchLabels" : {
"app.kubernetes.io/name" : "test-quarkus-app",
"app.kubernetes.io/version" : "1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"template" : {
"metadata" : {
"labels" : {
"app.kubernetes.io/name" : "test-quarkus-app",
"app.kubernetes.io/version" : "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
"spec" : {
"containers" : [ {
"env" : [ {
"valueFrom" : {
"fieldRef" : {
"fieldPath" : "metadata.namespace"
} ],
"image" : "yourDockerUsername/test-quarkus-app:1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"imagePullPolicy" : "IfNotPresent",
"name" : "test-quarkus-app"
} ]
"apiVersion" : "v1",
"kind" : "Service",
"metadata" : {
"annotations": {
"app.quarkus.io/vcs-url" : "<some url>",
"app.quarkus.io/commit-id" : "<some git SHA>",
"labels" : {
"app.kubernetes.io/name" : "test-quarkus-app",
"app.kubernetes.io/version" : "1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"name" : "test-quarkus-app"
"spec" : {
"ports" : [ {
"name" : "http",
"port" : 8080,
"targetPort" : 8080
} ],
"selector" : {
"app.kubernetes.io/name" : "test-quarkus-app",
"app.kubernetes.io/version" : "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
"type" : "ClusterIP"
An important thing to note about the Deployment
is that is uses yourDockerUsername/test-quarkus-app:1.0-SNAPSHOT
as the container image of the Pod
The name of the image is controlled by the Jib extension and can be customized using the usual application.properties
For example with a configuration like:
quarkus.container-image.group=quarkus #optional, default to the system user name
quarkus.container-image.name=demo-app #optional, defaults to the application name
quarkus.container-image.tag=1.0 #optional, defaults to the application version
The image that will be used in the generated manifests will be quarkus/demo-app:1.0
Defining a Docker registry
The Docker registry can be specified with the following property:
By adding this property along with the rest of the container image properties of the previous section, the generated manifests will use the image my.docker-registry.net/quarkus/demo-app:1.0
The image is not the only thing that can be customized in the generated manifests, as will become evident in the following sections.
Labels and Annotations
The generated manifests use the Kubernetes recommended labels.
These labels can be customized using quarkus.kubernetes.name
, quarkus.kubernetes.version
and quarkus.kubernetes.part-of
For example by adding the following configuration to your application.properties
The labels in generated resources will look like:
"labels" : {
"app.kubernetes.io/part-of" : "todo-app",
"app.kubernetes.io/name" : "todo-rest",
"app.kubernetes.io/version" : "1.0-rc.1"
Custom Labels
To add additional custom labels, for example foo=bar
just apply the following configuration:
Out of the box, the generated resources will be annotated with version control related information that can be used either by tooling, or by the user for troubleshooting purposes.
"annotations": {
"app.quarkus.io/vcs-url" : "<some url>",
"app.quarkus.io/commit-id" : "<some git SHA>",
Custom Annotations
Custom annotations can be added in a way similar to labels. For example to add the annotation foo=bar
just apply the following configuration:
Environment variables
Kubernetes provides multiple ways of defining environment variables:
key/value pairs
from a Secret
from a ConfigMap
from fields
To add a key/value pair as an environment variable in the generated resources:
The command above will add MY_ENV_VAR=foobar
as an environment variable.
Please note that the key my-env-var
will be converted to uppercase and dashes will be replaced by underscores resulting in MY_ENV_VAR
You may also have noticed that in contrast to labels and annotations for environment variables you don’t just use a key=value
That is because for environment variables there are additional options rather than just setting a value.
Mounting volumes
The Kubernetes extension allows the user to configure both volumes and mounts for the application. Any volume can be mounted with a simple configuration:
This will add a mount to the pod for volume my-volume
to path /where/to/mount
The volumes themselves can be configured as shown in the sections below.
Changing the number of replicas:
To change the number of replicas from 1 to 3:
Add readiness and liveness probes
By default the Kubernetes resources do not contain readiness and liveness probes in the generated Deployment
. Adding them however is just a matter of adding the SmallRye Health extension like so:
The values of the generated probes will be determined by the configured health properties: quarkus.smallrye-health.root-path
, quarkus.smallrye-health.liveness-path
and quarkus.smallrye-health.readiness-path
More information about the health extension can be found in the relevant guide.
Customizing the readiness probe:
To set the initial delay of the probe to 20 seconds and the period to 45:
Using the Kubernetes client
Applications that are deployed to Kubernetes and need to access the API server will usually make use of the kubernetes-client
To access the API server from within a Kubernetes cluster, some RBAC related resources are required (e.g. a ServiceAccount, a RoleBinding etc.).
So, when the kubernetes-client
extension is present, the kubernetes
extension is going to create those resources automatically, so that application will be granted the view
If more roles are required, they will have to be added manually.
Tuning the generated resources using application.properties
The Kubernetes extension allows tuning the generated manifest, using the application.properties
Here are some examples:
Configuration options
The table below describe all the available configuration options.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
quarkus.kubernetes.name |
String |
${quarkus.container-image.name} |
quarkus.kubernetes.version |
String |
${quarkus.container-image.tag} |
quarkus.kubernetes.part-of |
String |
quarkus.kubernetes.init-containers |
Map<String, Container> |
quarkus.kubernetes.labels |
Map |
quarkus.kubernetes.annotations |
Map |
quarkus.kubernetes.env-vars |
Map<String, Env> |
quarkus.kubernetes.working-dir |
String |
quarkus.kubernetes.command |
String[] |
quarkus.kubernetes.arguments |
String[] |
quarkus.kubernetes.replicas |
int |
1 |
quarkus.kubernetes.service-account |
String |
quarkus.kubernetes.host |
String |
quarkus.kubernetes.ports |
Map<String, Port> |
quarkus.kubernetes.service-type |
ServiceType |
ClusterIP |
quarkus.kubernetes.pvc-volumes |
Map<String, PersistentVolumeClaimVolume> |
quarkus.kubernetes.secret-volumes |
Map<String, SecretVolume> |
quarkus.kubernetes.config-map-volumes |
Map<String, ConfigMapVolume> |
quarkus.kubernetes.git-repo-volumes |
Map<String, GitRepoVolume> |
quarkus.kubernetes.aws-elastic-block-store-volumes |
Map<String, AwsElasticBlockStoreVolume> |
quarkus.kubernetes.azure-disk-volumes |
Map<String, AzureDiskVolume> |
quarkus.kubernetes.azure-file-volumes |
Map<String, AzureFileVolume> |
quarkus.kubernetes.mounts |
Map<String, Mount> |
quarkus.kubernetes.image-pull-policy |
ImagePullPolicy |
IfNotPresent |
quarkus.kubernetes.image-pull-secrets |
String[] |
quarkus.kubernetes.liveness-probe |
Probe |
( see Probe ) |
quarkus.kubernetes.readiness-probe |
Probe |
( see Probe ) |
quarkus.kubernetes.sidecars |
Map<String, Container> |
quarkus.kubernetes.expose |
boolean |
false |
quarkus.kubernetes.headless |
boolean |
false |
Properties that use non standard types, can be referenced by expanding the property.
For example to define a kubernetes-readiness-probe
which is of type Probe
In this example initial-delay
and period
are fields of the type Probe
Below you will find tables describing all available types.
Basic Types
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
value |
String |
secret |
String |
configmap |
String |
field |
String |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
http-action-path |
String |
exec-action |
String |
tcp-socket-action |
String |
initial-delay |
Duration |
0 |
period |
Duration |
30s |
timeout |
Duration |
10s |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
container-port |
int |
host-port |
int |
0 |
path |
String |
/ |
protocol |
Protocol |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
image |
String |
env-vars |
Env[] |
working-dir |
String |
command |
String[] |
arguments |
String[] |
ports |
Port[] |
mounts |
Mount[] |
image-pull-policy |
ImagePullPolicy |
IfNotPresent |
liveness-probe |
Probe |
readiness-probe |
Probe |
Mounts and Volumes
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
path |
String |
sub-path |
String |
read-only |
boolean |
false |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
config-map-name |
String |
default-mode |
int |
0600 |
optional |
boolean |
false |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
secret-name |
String |
default-mode |
int |
0600 |
optional |
boolean |
false |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
disk-name |
String |
disk-uri |
String |
kind |
String |
Managed |
caching-mode |
String |
ReadWrite |
fs-type |
String |
ext4 |
read-only |
boolean |
false |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
volume-id |
String |
partition |
int |
fs-type |
String |
ext4 |
read-only |
boolean |
false |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
repository |
String |
directory |
String |
revision |
String |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
claim-name |
String |
read-only |
boolean |
false |
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
share-name |
String |
secret-name |
String |
read-only |
boolean |
false |
To enable the generation of OpenShift resources, you need to include OpenShift in the target platforms:
If you need to generate resources for both platforms (vanilla Kubernetes and OpenShift), then you need to include both (comma separated).
quarkus.kubernetes.deployment-target=kubernetes, openshift
Quarkus also provides the OpenShift extension. This extension is basically a wrapper around the Kubernetes extension and
relieves OpenShift users of the necessity of setting the deployment-target property to openshift
The OpenShift resources can be customized in a similar approach with Kubernetes.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
quarkus.openshift.name |
String |
${quarkus.container-image.name} |
quarkus.openshift.version |
String |
${quarkus.container-image.tag} |
quarkus.openshift.part-of |
String |
quarkus.openshift.init-containers |
Map<String, Container> |
quarkus.openshift.labels |
Map |
quarkus.openshift.annotations |
Map |
quarkus.openshift.env-vars |
Map<String, Env> |
quarkus.openshift.working-dir |
String |
quarkus.openshift.command |
String[] |
quarkus.openshift.arguments |
String[] |
quarkus.openshift.replicas |
int |
1 |
quarkus.openshift.service-account |
String |
quarkus.openshift.host |
String |
quarkus.openshift.ports |
Map<String, Port> |
quarkus.openshift.service-type |
ServiceType |
ClusterIP |
quarkus.openshift.pvc-volumes |
Map<String, PersistentVolumeClaimVolume> |
quarkus.openshift.secret-volumes |
Map<String, SecretVolume> |
quarkus.openshift.config-map-volumes |
Map<String, ConfigMapVolume> |
quarkus.openshift.git-repo-volumes |
Map<String, GitRepoVolume> |
quarkus.openshift.aws-elastic-block-store-volumes |
Map<String, AwsElasticBlockStoreVolume> |
quarkus.openshift.azure-disk-volumes |
Map<String, AzureDiskVolume> |
quarkus.openshift.azure-file-volumes |
Map<String, AzureFileVolume> |
quarkus.openshift.mounts |
Map<String, Mount> |
quarkus.openshift.image-pull-policy |
ImagePullPolicy |
IfNotPresent |
quarkus.openshift.image-pull-secrets |
String[] |
quarkus.openshift.liveness-probe |
Probe |
( see Probe ) |
quarkus.openshift.readiness-probe |
Probe |
( see Probe ) |
quarkus.openshift.sidecars |
Map<String, Container> |
quarkus.openshift.expose |
boolean |
false |
quarkus.openshift.headless |
boolean |
false |
To enable the generation of Quarkus.Knative.resources, you need to include Knative in the target platforms:
Following the execution of ./mvnw package
you will notice amongst the other files that are created, two files named
and knative.yml
in the target/kubernetes/
If you look at either file you will see that it contains a Quarkus.Knative.Service
The full source of the quarkus.knative.json
file looks something like this:
"apiVersion" : "serving.quarkus.knative.dev/v1alpha1",
"kind" : "Service",
"metadata" : {
"annotations": {
"app.quarkus.io/vcs-url" : "<some url>",
"app.quarkus.io/commit-id" : "<some git SHA>"
"labels" : {
"app.kubernetes.io/name" : "test-quarkus-app",
"app.kubernetes.io/version" : "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
"name" : "quarkus.knative.
"spec" : {
"runLatest" : {
"configuration" : {
"revisionTemplate" : {
"spec" : {
"container" : {
"image" : "dev.local/yourDockerUsername/test-quarkus-app:1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"imagePullPolicy" : "IfNotPresent"
The generated service can be customized using the following properties:
Property |
Type |
Description |
Default Value |
quarkus.knative.name |
String |
${quarkus.container-image.name} |
quarkus.knative.version |
String |
${quarkus.container-image.tag} |
quarkus.knative.part-of |
String |
quarkus.knative.init-containers |
Map<String, Container> |
quarkus.knative.labels |
Map |
quarkus.knative.annotations |
Map |
quarkus.knative.env-vars |
Map<String, Env> |
quarkus.knative.working-dir |
String |
quarkus.knative.command |
String[] |
quarkus.knative.arguments |
String[] |
quarkus.knative.replicas |
int |
1 |
quarkus.knative.service-account |
String |
quarkus.knative.host |
String |
quarkus.knative.ports |
Map<String, Port> |
quarkus.knative.service-type |
ServiceType |
ClusterIP |
quarkus.knative.pvc-volumes |
Map<String, PersistentVolumeClaimVolume> |
quarkus.knative.secret-volumes |
Map<String, SecretVolume> |
quarkus.knative.config-map-volumes |
Map<String, ConfigMapVolume> |
quarkus.knative.git-repo-volumes |
Map<String, GitRepoVolume> |
quarkus.knative.aws-elastic-block-store-volumes |
Map<String, AwsElasticBlockStoreVolume> |
quarkus.knative.azure-disk-volumes |
Map<String, AzureDiskVolume> |
quarkus.knative.azure-file-volumes |
Map<String, AzureFileVolume> |
quarkus.knative.mounts |
Map<String, Mount> |
quarkus.knative.image-pull-policy |
ImagePullPolicy |
IfNotPresent |
quarkus.knative.image-pull-secrets |
String[] |
quarkus.knative.liveness-probe |
Probe |
( see Probe ) |
quarkus.knative.readiness-probe |
Probe |
( see Probe ) |
quarkus.knative.sidecars |
Map<String, Container> |
Deprecated configuration
The following categories of configuration properties have been deprecated.
Properties without the quarkus prefix
In earlier versions of the extension, the quarkus.
was missing from those properties. These properties are now deprecated.
Docker and S2i properties
The properties for configuring docker
and s2i
are also deprecated in favor of the new container-image extensions.
Config group arrays
Properties referring to config group arrays (e.g. kubernetes.labels[0]
, kubernetes.env-vars[0]
etc) have been converted to maps, to align with the rest of the Quarkus ecosystem.
The code below demonstrates the change in labels
# Old labels config:
# New labels
The code below demonstrates the change in env-vars
# Old env-vars config:
# New env-vars
To trigger building and deploying a container image you need to enable the quarkus.kubernetes.deploy
flag (the flag is disabled by default - furthermore it has no effect during test runs or dev mode).
This can be easily done with the command line:
./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true
Building is possible, using any of the 3 available container-image
Each time deployment is requested, a container image build will be implicitly triggered (no additional properties are required when the Kubernetes deployment has been enabled).
When deployment is enabled, the Kubernetes extension will select the resources specified by quarkus.kubernetes.deployment.target
and deploy them.
This assumes that a .kube/config
is available in your user directory that points to the target Kubernetes cluster.
In other words the extension will use whatever cluster kubectl
uses. The same applies to credentials.
At the moment no additional options are provided for further customization.