Quarkus - Using Liquibase
Liquibase is an open source tool for database schema change management.
Quarkus provides first class support for using Liquibase as will be explained in this guide.
Setting up support for Liquibase
To start using Liquibase with your project, you just need to:
add your changeLog to the
file as you usually do with Liquibase -
activate the
option to migrate the schema automatically or inject theLiquibase
object and run your migration as you normally do.
In your pom.xml
, add the following dependencies:
the Liquibase extension
your JDBC driver extension (
, …)
<!-- Liquibase specific dependencies -->
<!-- JDBC driver dependencies -->
Liquibase support relies on the Quarkus datasource config.
It can be customized for the default datasource as well as for every named datasource.
First, you need to add the datasource config to the application.properties
in order to allow Liquibase to manage the schema.
The following is an example for the application.properties
# configure your datasource
# Liquibase minimal config properties
# Liquibase optional config properties
# quarkus.liquibase.change-log=db/changeLog.xml
# quarkus.liquibase.validate-on-migrate=true
# quarkus.liquibase.clean-at-start=false
# quarkus.liquibase.database-change-log-lock-table-name=DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK
# quarkus.liquibase.database-change-log-table-name=DATABASECHANGELOG
# quarkus.liquibase.contexts=Context1,Context2
# quarkus.liquibase.labels=Label1,Label2
# quarkus.liquibase.default-catalog-name=DefaultCatalog
# quarkus.liquibase.default-schema-name=DefaultSchema
# quarkus.liquibase.liquibase-catalog-name=liquibaseCatalog
# quarkus.liquibase.liquibase-schema-name=liquibaseSchema
# quarkus.liquibase.liquibase-tablespace-name=liquibaseSpace
Add a changeLog file to the default folder following the Liquibase naming conventions: src/main/resources/db/changeLog.xml
The yaml, json, xml and sql changeLog file formats are also supported.
<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog"
<changeSet author="quarkus" id="1">
<createTable tableName="quarkus">
<column name="ID" type="VARCHAR(255)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="NAME" type="VARCHAR(255)"/>
Now you can start your application and Quarkus will run the Liquibase’s update method according to your config:
import org.quarkus.liquibase.LiquibaseFactory; (1)
public class MigrationService {
// You can Inject the object if you want to use it manually
LiquibaseFactory liquibaseFactory; (2)
public void checkMigration() {
// Get the list of liquibase change set statuses
try (Liquibase liquibase = liquibaseFactory.createLiquibase()) {
List<ChangeSetStatus> status = liquibase.getChangeSetStatuses(liquibaseFactory.createContexts(), liquibaseFactory.createLabels());
1 | The Quarkus extension provides a factory to initialize a Liquibase instance |
2 | Inject the Quarkus liquibase factory if you want to use the liquibase methods directly |
Multiple datasources
Liquibase can be configured for multiple datasources. The Liquibase properties are prefixed exactly the same way as the named datasources, for example:
# Liquibase configuration for the default datasource
# Liquibase configuration for the "users" datasource
# Liquibase configuration for the "inventory" datasource
Notice there’s an extra bit in the key.
The syntax is as follows: quarkus.liquibase.[optional name.][datasource property]
Without configuration, Liquibase is set up for every datasource using the default settings. |
Using the Liquibase object
In case you are interested in using the Liquibase
object directly, you can inject it as follows:
If you enabled the quarkus.liquibase.migrate-at-start property, by the time you use the Liquibase instance,
Quarkus will already have run the migrate operation.
import org.quarkus.liquibase.LiquibaseFactory;
public class MigrationService {
// You can Inject the object if you want to use it manually
LiquibaseFactory liquibaseFactory; (1)
@LiquibaseDataSource("inventory") (2)
LiquibaseFactory liquibaseFactoryForInventory;
@Named("liquibase_users") (3)
LiquibaseFactory liquibaseFactoryForUsers;
public void checkMigration() {
// Use the liquibase instance manually
try (Liquibase liquibase = liquibaseFactory.createLiquibase()) {
liquibase.dropAll(); (4)
liquibase.update(liquibaseFactory.createContexts(), liquibaseFactory.createLabels());
// Get the list of liquibase change set statuses
List<ChangeSetStatus> status = liquibase.getChangeSetStatuses(liquibaseFactory.createContexts(), liquibaseFactory.createLabels()); (5)
1 | Inject the LiquibaseFactory object |
2 | Inject Liquibase for named datasources using the Quarkus LiquibaseDataSource qualifier |
3 | Inject Liquibase for named datasources |
4 | Use the Liquibase instance directly |
5 | List of applied or not applied liquibase ChangeSets |
Configuration Reference
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
The liquibase change log file. All included change log files in this file are scanned and add to the projects. |
string |
boolean |
boolean |
boolean |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of ChangeSet contexts to execute for liquibase. |
list of string |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of expressions defining labeled ChangeSet to execute for liquibase. |
list of string |
The liquibase change log lock table name. Name of table to use for tracking concurrent Liquibase usage. |
string |
The liquibase change log table name. Name of table to use for tracking change history. |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default catalog. |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default schema. Overwrites the default schema name (returned by the RDBMS) with a different database schema. |
string |
The name of the catalog with the liquibase tables. |
string |
The name of the schema with the liquibase tables. |
string |
The name of the tablespace where the -LOG and -LOCK tables will be created (if they do not exist yet). |
string |
The liquibase change log file. All included change log files in this file are scanned and add to the projects. |
string |
boolean |
boolean |
boolean |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of ChangeSet contexts to execute for liquibase. |
list of string |
Comma-separated case-sensitive list of expressions defining labeled ChangeSet to execute for liquibase. |
list of string |
The liquibase change log lock table name. Name of table to use for tracking concurrent Liquibase usage. |
string |
The liquibase change log table name. Name of table to use for tracking change history. |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default catalog. |
string |
The name of Liquibase’s default schema. Overwrites the default schema name (returned by the RDBMS) with a different database schema. |
string |
The name of the catalog with the liquibase tables. |
string |
The name of the schema with the liquibase tables. |
string |
The name of the tablespace where the -LOG and -LOCK tables will be created (if they do not exist yet). |
string |